Legal Notice

This Site is published by the company MODEFARBEN

Head office and administration: 114 Allée des lauriers Roses 83400 Hyères-France
registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Toulon under number 910144963.
Director of publication: Mrs Marie-Blanche CHOPLIN
Telephone: (+33) 0627135435 (contact only by WhatsApp) Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., except on public holidays.
To contact us by: Email: /

The Site is hosted by:

Shopify Inc., a Canadian company registered on the TSX and NYSE
Registration No.: 426160-7
151 O'connor Street, Ground Floor Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8, Canada

The Site is governed by:

  • General Conditions of Sale (click here)  ;
  • A policy relating to the protection of privacy and the use of cookies (click here) .

We invite you to read the terms of these documents before browsing or ordering on the site.

You expressly agree not to sell, resell, reproduce, duplicate, copy or exploit any part of this website , the service provided, the products provided, the use of the service/products, or the access to the service/products, or any contact on the website through which the service/products are provided, without express written authorization from the company ModeFarben.

This site complies with French legislation, and under no circumstances does MODEFARBEN give any guarantee of compliance with local legislation that would be applicable to you, when you access the site from other regions.